Man, what is with this guy and superpowers and alter egos and superheroes and all that comic book crap? What a nuhrd! Remember when we were gonna throw garbage at him? Let's do that again but with glass. Yeah!
But seriously, guys. Seriously. If I could have any superpower ever, I would want telekinesis. It's pretty much every superpower, anyway. Wanna fly? Just telekinesis yourself. Wanna have super-strength? Just telekinesis harder. Wanna walk through walls? Wait, you don't have to because you can just telekinesis the wall out of your way. Want to shoot lasers out of your eyes? Okay, well you can't do that.
However, in conclusion, I still think that telekinesis is the best superpower. The end.
This is a test post
7 months ago
Man, good answer. The end.