To those parts of the Internet that are used to all of my posts being carefully composed, effortlessly thoughtful, and relentlessly insightful (i.e. everyone), I apologize for this 24-hour thing. I am growing increasingly tired, and I no longer have the energy to wring inspiration from these prompts. Still, we soldier on.
I need to describe a place that I have always wanted to go and then discuss its benefits. Well, for a while now, I have wanted to go to sleep. I don't know if I've "always" wanted to go there, since I've been there a couple of times, but I'm gonna say it counts. The benefits of sleep are numerous, and some of them are detailed here: In addition to the benefits on physical and mental well-being, one must also consider how fun dreams are. I recently had a dream that my friend Tom got engaged to a girl he met in a diner, but she turned out to be a member of a deadly assassination clan, and she and her friend tore up the diner trying to kill me and Tom with axes. But we held our own in the fight until they finally gave up and decided to sit back down and behave themselves. Then we all flew kites.
This is a test post
7 months ago
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