Wednesday, March 25, 2009

In Which Our Author Apologizes For His Absence

Okay, so I've been gone for a while.  Sorry about that.  I guess I should confess.   The truth is that I started this blog based solely on the fact that I came up with a cool title for it.  I really had no idea into what I was getting.1 I made a cool blogge page, if I may say so, and then I was pretty happy with my first posts, but I was afraid that my other ideas would either not match in theme or style or would compare unfavorably to my first one or would in general lead to alienation of all five of you, and then I got really busy with stuff, and then . . . I hope you're not mad at me.  Are you mad at me?  I feel like you're mad at me. 

Anyway, quite a bit has happened recently, and I feel I should at least briefly, if not quite adequately, address it.2

The freshest thing in my mind is that I was accepted today into the Purdue University School of Pharmacy.  This is further proof of the power of dilligence, enthusiasm, and 
ritualistic animal sacrifice.3  In seriousness, though, this is what I've been working for for two years, and I'm pretty excited.

The other blogably important thing that happened in my absence was my spring break trip to New York to visit my friend Liz.  I feel this trip deserves its own post (and Liz has demanded it be so), so I will see to that sometime this week.  For now, suffice to say that it was a rousing success. 

Anyway, I'm back, and I hope to get to semi-regular updates soon.  This is more difficult than I thought it would be.


1.  Sometimes I like to use annoyingly pedantic syntax in conversational writing.  I think at this point, it's just an inside joke with myself.

2.  I really like adverbs.  Except for "really."  Using it just then caused my physical pain.  I think it stems from oversaturation in elementary school, where debates were won by whoever used the most really's in between "you're" and "gay." The kids who could add "times infinity" were intellectual giants.

3.  This is the first time I’ve ever used the strikethrough.  Pretty neat.